I reached out to Mack after completing an online course specifically tailored to binge & disordered eating. I felt like I had a handle on the binging - but after years of yo-yo dieting, restriction, and rigid food rules - I was needing more guidance with nutrition and literally learning how to eat ‘in recovery’. After meeting with Mack, it became apparent to me that she was going to help with so much more beyond simple nutrition. 

In working with Mack one-on-one for over a year, I was able to set and accomplish so many goals related to positive body image and letting go of food rules and fears. She consistently pushed me to explore the reasons why I had issues with food and confront the feelings I had buried about my body. We worked on letting go of perfection and worked to towards experiencing true food freedom - something I had never been able to achieve on my own. 

I whole heartedly recommend that anyone struggling with similar issues reach out to Mack for help. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I sought out help from a nutritionist - but it ended up being the best decision for my health. Did I mention she coached me through food and body issues DURING my pregnancy?! Mack is a great coach and more importantly, a great cheerleader and friend. Investing in her program is truly investing in your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. 

~Client B

My thought processes around what I eat and WHY I eat is in a much better place. I focus on what makes my body feel good rather than trying to force it. I’m not stuck in a cycle of restriction and indulgence anymore.

~Client L

Without the scale, I was finally able to look in the mirror and feel like I have made progress. I feel stronger and am lifting more at the gym and have more endurance compared to a couple months ago. I finally let go of the clothes that didn’t fit me or didn’t bring me joy in my closet.

~Client L

Mackenzie and her MACKSIMIZE Intuitive Eating Method has been invaluable to healing my relationship with food and my body. She has given me the tools and confidence to reconnect with my body, manage stress and take back control to move forward in a healthy and measured way. She reframes small personal growth to huge wins deserving of celebration, and that has made all the difference to help me believe in myself and my progress. She has never made me feel rushed and my progress has been on my terms, supported by Mackenzie’s guidance and wisdom.

~Client K

After being diagnosed with binge eating disorder I knew I was going to need to put some real work into learning to eat properly. I had been on diet after failed diet for as long as I can remember. I knew that in order to be successful in my recovery I would need to break the cycle and learn how to mentally train to make this work for good. Joining Mackenzie’s MACKSIMIZE Intuitive Eating Method has been life changing for me. I have been able to learn skills to slow down and be in the moment when eating or thinking about eating. I'm learning to identify when I'm hungry vs when I think I'm hungry.  One of the biggest rewards I am getting from this is learning to like who I am again and having the confidence and empowerment to have a healthy relationship with food.

~Client R